Supporting Working Parents

With the school Summer holidays approaching, parents and caregivers are faced with additional pressures and stretches on their time, challenged to maintain performance at work whilst bearing additional childcare responsibilities (and the wish to enjoy precious time together).

The very real risk of these extra demands is burnout - 82% of UK parents have demonstrated at least one of the warning signs of burnout (Action for Children).

We offer a series of inclusive workshops to enable working parents and caregivers to realise their full potential, and develop greater awareness and understanding in their colleagues too.

Thriving as a Working Parent

This workshop is a summary of all the key topics your working parents and their colleagues need to know to avoid burnout, feel supported and understood at work and learn new research backed skills to be more effective - at home and work.

We also run additional workshops tackling topics such as guilt, returning to work, boundaries and resetting after the holidays.


Rest to Reset

Relevant for all staff not just those with caregiving responsibilities, this workshop explains why we need restful downtime to heal and restore the mind and body, to recharge, to create space for reflection, for time to digest and process physically and emotionally - and crucially shares practical strategies to get better at doing this.


Get in touch

For pricing, availability or any other questions, please get in touch.


Seasonal Wellbeing Workshops


April is Stress Awareness Month