Learn How to Activate Your Happiness, Destress and Adapt to Change


This half-day training session is designed to equip you with the insights and strategies to find greater ease and calm on a daily basis.

Delivered over 3 x 45 minutes sessions with breaks, the session will be interactive and very practical, and equip you with ways to reconnect with your colleagues.



Session 1 - Activate Your Happiness

This opening session is very energising, uplifting and fun.

We will dive into the Science of Happiness, its origins, principles and main discoveries. Expect some A- ha moments as we will debunk some serious myths and uncover the scientific definition of happiness. We will also explain the barriers to our happiness in the 21st century. This understanding brings a new light to the happiness equation and provides a new empowering way to engage with life.

Most importantly, participants will learn and experience easy, fast, practical tools and habits to boost their emotional wellbeing on a daily basis and bounce back from difficulties in record times.

Participants will leave the workshop feeling energised and empowered with a tangible and practical set of tools to boost their happiness. They will be given a 10 day challenge : 10% happier in 10 days in 10 minutes a day.

Break activity : coffee roulette

Session 2 - How to Destress

Session 2 very nicely links to session 1 as the biggest barrier to our happiness comes from stress.

We will dive into the neurobiology of stress (understand how our brain triggers the stress response and the impact on our body, mind, emotions and relationship with others). Participants will have the opportunity to identify their stress triggers and warning signs.

We will then learn and experience a few techniques to dial down stress in the moment, to regain calm and focus and unplug from work, including a "relaxation shower".

Break activity: share with a colleague an experience of paper tiger

Session 3 - Riding the Change Curve with Calm and Confidence

One of the main causes of stress is change and uncertainty. Once more, we will start with some science, how our brain automatically engage with change - even when it's for the greater good.

We will explore the default cycle of change based on resistance and stress and introduce a new and positive cycle of change to support our wellbeing and our performance. We will cover the topics of managing our cycles of control and acceptance.

We will learn to identify when we are in resistance and how to shift from the avoidance motivation system that paralyses our initiative and optimism towards the approach motivation system that pushes us to move forward, outside of our zone of comfort, to take risks and go with the flow even if it feels uncomfortable.

Get in touch

To book this solution for your organisation, please contact us


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