Mastering Your Inbox


We are living in an age of digitisation, immediacy and constant distraction, which when left unchecked can result in feelings of overwhelm, anxiety and burn-out. It is imperative we take control of our relationship with technology, and in particular with our inbox. So much of work today involves our inbox and emails; are you creating more hassle, less productivity and more stress through bad habits?



Suitable for all staff

This workshop helps to improve efficiency and productivity, and minimise feelings of overwhelm and stress. We explore the importance of making a distinction between the times that you’re prioritising your messages and the times that you are responding to them. This kind of work flow alteration is crucial for enhancing productivity by acknowledging the very different modes of thought we are in throughout the day.

We explore strategies that enable effective time management and will enable you to be working at your best throughout the day. Cal Newport’s wisdom around ‘Deep Work’ is all about creating extended periods of time where we can focus on one task with our full cognitive capacity. Backed by scientific research and something many of us are intuitively seeking, this technique alongside other productivity hacks, means a far more controlled and functional relationship with your inbox.

Participants will leave feeling empowered with a toolkit of strategies to regain control over their inboxes and enhance their wellbeing. The approach of this workshop is experiential and, as always, we ask for active participation and interaction amongst the group as well as self-reflection.

Formats available


  • Reduces feeling of overwhelm and anxiety

  • Supports enhanced prioritisation and time management ability

  • Teaches how to form positive boundaries with technology

  • Supports greater feelings of ease and contentment

What people say..

Chris has a calm demeanour, and his teaching style is natural and welcoming.
— Thrive participant

Get in touch

To book this solution for your organisation, please contact us


Rest to Reset


Setting Healthy Boundaries