Working Parent Guilt: How to Reduce and Reframe


Working parent guilt is pervasive and undermines confidence and productivity, impacting not just the individual and their family but their colleagues and organisation also.



Suitable for all staff

In this workshop we share how to reframe and reduce guilt so your employees can feel empowered and confident in their choices at work and home.

We explain what working parent guilt is (feeling like we are not able to successfully achieve our various responsibilities at work and home) and where it comes from. We take a look at the 80/20 guilt rule as a powerful tool to help reframe guilt.

We also explore the difference between guilt and tension, bringing greater awareness to challenges in order to feel clearer on the best path of action to help alleviate this.

Finally we take a look at how to define your unique values in order to feel clearer on your priorities and to help reduce unnecessary guilt.

Formats available


  • Learn practical techniques to reduce and reframe guilt

  • Develop greater awareness of your values to help prioritise your attention

  • Increase feelings of self-worth and self-compassion

  • Develop empathy and understanding amongst colleagues

Get in touch

To book this solution for your organisation, please contact us


Good Gut Health


Wellbeing for Working Parents: how to care for yourself to perform and work and at home