Building Personal Resilience


Resilience is something that we can build and must maintain in order to maximise performance and productivity, and take care of mental and physical health.

Individuals who are resilient are better able to deal with stress, adapt to change, work with greater focus and build stronger relationships with colleagues and clients.



This training supports you to cope with adversity and stress. We cover five key areas of resilience, sharing strategies and tools to support you to foster a positive mindset and emotional wellbeing, and be more effective and productive.

Understanding Resilience:

  • Understanding what resilience really is (taking a modern approach to this)

  • Developing self-awareness around our levels of resilience and how to notice when we might need to take a break or change our approach.

  • Recognising the role of resilience at work and personal life

  • Exploring psychological and physiological aspects of resilience and stress

  • Using this insight to your advantage

Understanding & Managing Stress:

  • Developing self awareness around your stress triggers and responses

  • Learning how to recognise your warning signs that you may be experiencing too much stress

  • Managing stress levels at work, practical tools including boundary setting

  • Learning practical strategies for increasing your window of tolerance; the amount of stress you can handle in any one moment.

Building Emotional Intelligence:

  • Recognising emotional triggers and areas of strength and weakness in EQ

  • Learning how to regulate emotions and remain calm in adversity

  • Developing the skills of empathy and effective communication

Adapting to Change:

  • Learning the skill of adaptive thinking and handling the unknown

  • Developing a growth mindset to learn from failure

  • Cognitive flexibility and reframing negative thoughts

Social Connection:

  • Understanding the importance of social support in resilience

  • Impacting the system and looking out for those around you

  • Learning strategies to seek and offer support in times of need

  • Navigating challenges collaboratively


Delivered either virtually or in-person, the training is designed to flex to suit your needs and budget.

As a minimum, this is a single 90 min virtual session.

For more in-depth training, this can be a full day in person training event, or a series of 2-5 virtual 60 min sessions.

We can also tailor the training to fit your organisation’s unique needs.


  • Improve your strategies for handling stress in the moment

  • Develop ways of building more resourcefulness into the ways that you work

  • Learn how to notice the early signs of a lack of resilience in yourself and those around you

  • Be prepared to work well and with healthy boundaries when the going gets tough

What people say..

Chris was very accommodating and welcoming. He asked the right questions and sparked insightful conversations, he made the team comfortable in sharing their own experiences.
— Participant at Leighton

Get in touch

To book this solution for your organisation, please contact us


Navigating Change & Uncertainty


Team Resilience For Managers