Finding Your Purpose


When we are very clear about our why, life unfolds with flow, decisions that might have seemed like real dilemmas become obvious, we become aligned with our choices in our personal and professional lives. We truly have the resources to create the life that we want and have the passion that fuels extraordinary achievements at work.



Suitable for all staff

This workshop is a thorough introduction into a deep topic. We look at what a “why” is and how finding your why has an extraordinary impact on both your wellbeing and success in life and the success of your teamwork.

We explore the components of your personal why and how you can translate it into your professional life.

Each participant will leave with a clearer sense of purpose, a view of what makes a life well-lived and how that translates into their life at work. They will have a set of tools to come back to do to deepen the work in their own time or as an exercise with their teams.

This session is also available in a 2 hour practical workshop in person.

Formats available


  • Understand the importance of a why that is the fuel of happiness and success

  • Discover your personal values in life

  • Uncover your individual meaning of a life well-lived

  • Learn how to fuel your passion at work using your why

Get in touch

To book this solution for your organisation, please contact us


Practical Mindfulness


The Art of Self Care