Mental Health Matters Training


As greater awareness and attention is paid to the huge costs of mental illness to both individual employees and the business bottom line, it’s vital that companies find a balanced approach to what can sometime seems like a difficult subject to start addressing.



Suitable for all staff

This training provides all staff with an understanding of mental health and teaches how to enhance personal wellbeing and best support peers and colleagues.

In the training we:

  • Provide a safe space to talk about the continuum from mental and emotional wellbeing via distress to illness

  • Look at what stress and burnout are, the work-related risk factors, their impact on us and the business, signs to look out for, and what we can do to prevent them arising.

  • Explore the signs that someone may be struggling, the main ways in which illness can manifest and what we can do

  • Take a closer look at the stigma around mental health, how it shows up and what we can do to break it down as a community

  • Consider how we can best support our peers and colleagues

  • Teach some easily mastered tools to take better care of ourselves and maximise the well-recognised protective factors that promote wellbeing

The overall intention is that participants leave feeling more confident and comfortable approaching the subject of mental health, understand how distress and illness show up, get a handle on the key factors that minimise distress and maximise our wellbeing, and take away with them some tools to do this.

The session is led by leading Work Well Being Associate a medical doctor who has a background in psychiatry and public health, the training is engaging, informative and grounded in science.

Formats available


  • Feel more comfortable and confident discussing mental health

  • Explore misunderstandings about who gets unwell and why that can lead to stigma

  • Become more aware of your own mental health and develop the confidence to share when experiencing difficulty

  • Learn strategies for staying well and promoting positive mental wellbeing

What people say

Dr B was a fantastic speaker. She was credible, authentic, compassionate, engaging and energetic. She did a great job of helping to promote a simple understanding of - and ways to approach - what can be an uncomfortable topic.
Thank you so much for an amazing session. I feel refreshed and a lot calmer and now know that it is okay to talk to people about how you are feeling and it’s okay not to be okay. I will take everything on board to try and improve my mental well being
— Participant at MG OMD

Get in touch

To book this solution for your organisation, please contact us


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