Mental Health Champions Training
A vital protective factor for our mental health is knowing that there is someone we trust that we can have a confidential chat with either routinely or when the need arises. This is particularly true when we are or have been unwell.
A Champion is someone with whom an employee can have an informal, egalitarian and respectful relationship whilst at work. Being able to safely share what we’re going through without risk of stigma, improves self-esteem and confidence, reduces isolation, increases belonging, which in turn all boost wellbeing.
Mental Health Champions also act as positive and proactive role models to champion healthy behaviours and potentially input into any broader programme of employee wellbeing to ensure maximum awareness and engagement.
Suitable for all staff
Mental Health Champions harness the natural human quality of compassion and the desire to look out for each other. The training prepares people to do this safely.
Foundation Training
Educational training delivered by a true expert, a medical Dr. with a background in psychiatry and public health, equipping Champions with:
The knowledge, skills and confidence to offer support safely
Understanding the ways distress can show up at work and what can lie behind it
Awareness of what modifiable work-related risk factors impact mental health
The skills to build rapport, listen, conduct and close a conversation appropriately
Maintaining the boundaries and responsibilities of their role as a Champion
Being an ambassador for a zero tolerance of stigma around mental health and positive wellbeing
The basic pillars of good self-care for both their colleague and themselves
Comprehensive training handbook for Champions to take away and refer back to once in role
Programme Set-Up
The success of any Champions programme relies on effective planning and communication in advance. As an organisation you will need to consider:
Recruitment of Champions - it is essential to ensure good representation of Champions across the business. You should consider how Champions will be recruited and their suitability assessed.
Defining the Champions role - you should carefully consider and communicate the expectations and boundaries of the role.
Internal Communication - thought must be given to how the Champions will be announced and how people should go about contacting them once in position.
Support for the Champions - you should consider who within the business who has overall responsibility for the Champions programme. It is important to also ensure that line managers are aware and supportive of the additional responsibilities and time required to fulfil the role of a Champion.
Confidentiality - it is crucial that you consider your organisational expectations around confidentiality and how sensitive information should be treated.
As an additional service, we offer the expert advice and guidance on the set up of your programme.
Ongoing Support & Development
It is crucial to ensure that the Champions are supported in their role and remain engaged and equipped with practical strategies to support themselves and others.
As an optional add-on service we strongly recommend:
Quarterly check-in sessions with Dr. B - a chance to come together in shared experience, ask questions, learn from each other and further their education and understanding.
Access to the 'Champions Hub' sharing digital content and interactive exercises to further learning and support Champions to take care of themselves.
Formats available
Virtual - 2 x 2-hours, scheduled ideally 2-5 days apart, suitable for up to 16 participants
In-person - full day, suitable for up to 16 participants
Feel more confident and comfortable speaking with someone about their inner world,
spotting when someone may be at risk and signposting them to professional help
Understand some core principles to understand inner distress, take care of yourself and
help someone else look after their psychological wellbeing.
Learn practical tips to successfully and appropriately carry out being a Champions
Feel more at ease about the limits and responsibilities of the role
Understand the importance of good self-care, how to share this with others, and build a support network to continue to do this together.
Get in touch
To book this solution for your organisation, please contact us