Resilience and Wellbeing For Managers


Resilience is something that we can build and must maintain in order to maximise performance and productivity, and take care of mental and physical health.

Individuals who are resilient are better able to deal with stress, adapt to change, work with greater focus and build stronger relationships with colleagues and clients.

Managers have the capacity to leverage significant influence if they are better able to face change and challenge with a resilient mindset.

High functioning teams are resilient. Team resilience is the capacity to handle change, to flex in difficult situations, and to find solutions to challenges. In our uncertain world, where things change fast, a resilient team is able to pull together and support each other through tough patches.



Suitable for Managers

This training teaches managers how to take care of and prioritise their own wellbeing and the value that this brings to their ability to cultivate resilience and optimal performance in their team.

Part 1 - Building Personal Resilience

  • Improve your strategies for handling stress in the moment

  • Develop ways of building more resourcefulness into your team and into the ways that you work

  • Learn how to notice the early signs of a lack of resilience in yourself

  • Be prepared to work well and with healthy boundaries when the going gets tough

Part 2 - Team Resilience

  • Understand how resilience shows up in individuals and teams and what to do when people are challenged.

  • Learn essential communication strategies that support ways to adapt and change when needed. Often resilience means a capacity to be OK with not having the answers.

  • Gain knowledge on how to implement new systems and routines that will support a busy and high-performing team. This includes being great at coaching each other, being OK asking difficult questions, and showing supportive and open body language to those we work with.

  • Learn the skills to develop a team that communicates well in times of difficulty and shows support to each other.

Part 3 - Implementing a Culture of Resilience

  • Learn models and frameworks that help teams deal with uncertainty and risk

  • Understand how to have supportive conversations that build capacity and deepen trust

  • Foster a positive work environment that enhances team engagement and innovation

Get in touch

To book this solution for your organisation, please contact us


The Power of Community


Wellbeing Champions Training